Yein Son Headshot

Ye In Son

A native of South Korea, violist Yein Son studied with Jin Won Yoon at Kyung Hee University and completed her undergraduate studies. She received her Master of Music Degree from Yale School of Music under the tutelage of Professor Ettore Causa and Professor Steven Tenenbom. Currently, Ms. Son is a candidate of Doctor of Musical Arts at Stony Brook University under tutelage of Lawrence Dutton and Matthew Lipman.

Yein Son has performed at music festivals internationally and domestically including the masterclasses given by Thomas Riebl and William Coleman; Heifetz International Music Festival with full scholarship; Montecito International Music Festival with fellowship where she performed with a renowned musicians including Lynn Harrell, Sam Fischer, and Régulo Martínez-Antón.

Son has joined RPO this summer as a B-contract violist and before coming here, she was a substitute violist with Albany Symphony, Illinois Symphony Orchestra and Civic Orchestra of Chicago.